Nursery Nurse Preschool Level-3

Nursery Nurse Child Care Level 3 Excel Day Nursery – East London

To provide a provision of high quality, fully integrated care and education for children throughout the pre-school in partnership with their parents. To assist the pre-school coordinator and other pre-school assistants to maintain a safe and secure environment for the children.

Duties and Responsibilities:

• To work within the aims and objectives of Early Education Centre pre-school.

• To deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage framework under the supervision and guidance of the pre-school coordinator.

• To assist in the fostering of the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of all children attending the pre-school, including those with special educational needs.

• To assist in the provision of a comfortable, safe, stimulating and aesthetically pleasing environment which provides consideration of families’ ethnic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds and consideration of children’s gender. To display the children’s work to draw attention to their achievements and their identity in their work.

• To assist and contribute to the observation, assessment and recording of each child’s progress with reference to the pre-school’s policies and Early Years Foundation Stage framework. To share this information with parents appropriately and encourage parents to support their children’s learning at home.

• To act as a key worker for a designated number of children. To assist in daily, weekly and termly planning and evaluation to meet the children’s needs and interests. To draw on the expertise of other pre-school assistants or the pre-school coordinator, and outside agencies to draw up plans for individual children.

• Promoting the children’s growth in independence and self-reliance. Support children through play, talk and exploration to experience and enjoy the whole school curriculum. Enabling the growth of the children’s language and their enjoyment of the written and spoken word. Contact Ali 02085561732

-18 points
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