Job Opportunities at Redwood Pre-School

Due to expansion, there are JOB OPPORTUNITIES available at Redwood Pre-School

To start as soon as possible

Admin Support Officer

Salary: £9.00 per hour, 32.50 contracted hours per week (8:45am-1:15pm and 2:15pm–4:15pm), 39 weeks per year during term time.

Additional hours to be worked during holiday playschemes by arrangement with the Office Manager.  Job share considered.

Preschool Keyworker (4 posts)

An appropriate Level 3 qualification is required.

Salary: £10.14 per hour, at least 30 contracted hours per week between 8am and 6pm, 44 weeks per year (39 during term time, 5 during playscheme in the school holidays.)

Preschool Playroom Assistant

An appropriate Level 2 qualification is required.

Salary: £7.36 per hour, 30 contracted hours per week (9.00am - 12 noon, 1.00pm – 4.00pm), 39 weeks per year during term time.

Cover Staff (more than one post)

Purpose of the job:  To provide cover for colleagues, both keyworkers and cleaners, at short notice, subject to availability.

Salary: £7.36 per hour. 0 hours contract.

Hours:  As needed between 8am and 6pm, term time and school holidays.

Please note – previous applicants need not apply

Redwood Pre-School is committed to safeguarding children and to equality of opportunity in employment. All posts are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Applicants must be prepared to disclose any convictions they may have and any orders which have been made against them. All appointments are subject to an enhanced DBS check. Applicants are required to bring original certificates of essential qualifications, evidence confirming identity and National Insurance Number, and P45 if applicable to the interview. References will be taken up prior to interview.                                                                                                                                     

For further information, please visit our website at to download job descriptions, person specifications and application forms.   Applications should be posted or hand delivered to the pre-school.  Applicants should visit our website to obtain further information about Redwood Pre-School and the services we provide.

Closing date for applications: 6pm on Friday 10 July 2015

Skills tests: week beginning 13 July 2015

Interview dates: week beginning 20 July 2015

Please note that we accept only fully completed application forms, not CVs

-32 points
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Job Opportunities at Redwood Pre-School | Community Hub


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