All Talk Communication Project

This group has been set up as part of the All Talk Communication Project. We hope to provide further support and networking opportunities for Early Years settings across the borough. We would encourage settings to post any questions or queries regarding the project and examples of good practice of their 'communication friendly' environments.

Please look out for details of our launch events!

-43 points
What do you think?
No questions have been added to this group.
No documents have been added to this group.
No polls have been added to this group.

Group contributors


  • Gemma Endean
  • Sharon Devine
  • Angela Rice
  • Maria Sorce
  • Maria Sorce
  • Jessica Mendelssohn
  • Andrew Georgeou
  • Susan Nwalema
  • Gintare Tursaite
  • Nilay Enver
  • Ruth Desoer
  • David Livie
  • Anne Cullinan


  • Helen Malique
  • Sian Rees
All Talk Communication Project | Community Hub


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