William Morris Gallery Teachers' Course

                      Teaching Weaving & Constructed Textiles

Saturday 12 July 2014 10.00 -13.30, £40.00 pre person.

For both secondary Art & Design/Design & Technology teachers and primary art co-ordinators

 A chance to share practice, learn new skills and refresh old ones inspired by the gallery displays.

Tutor: Carolyn Abbott, textile artist, with additional input and school case studies from Rezia Halima Wahid, weaver and textiles teacher at Frederick Bremer School.

This hands-on course will look at how the traditional hand crafts of weaving and tapestry can be relevant and integrated into art and textiles curricula; how it can be done at many levels from basic work on a small card loom to large group construction on wooden frames using recycled materials - with lots of practical ideas to take away and new online weaving resources. The course will look at how William Morris and contemporary artists reference and use weaving.

To book  tel 0208 496 4390 or email wmg.schoolbookings@walthamforest.gov.uk 

-16 points
What do you think?


Sharon Trotter


William Morris Gallery Teachers' Course | Community Hub


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