Cancelling Schools Data Admin Group Meeting - Wednesday 10th January 2018

Hi Everyone,

Unfortunately, we are going to have to cancel the admin data group meeting on 10th January. This is because only 11 members of staff have signed up to attend. Apologies to those who have booked on.

We would love to be able to run these events for you all, but they need to be viable for the cost of room hire and time to create materials.

Your feedback would be most welcome so that we can make the meetings what you would like.

  • Would you like meetings annually/termly? What would be good time of year?
  • Would you like the meetings in the mornings or afternoons?
  • What would you like us to cover? Not cover?
  • Location?

We'll send round some census guidance soon.

One of my main concerns for January is Proficiency in English. Have all the EAL pupils been re-assessed by teachers and the data put into your MIS? Hopefully this is all in hand.

Hope you all have a great holiday.

Best wishes,


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Cancelling Schools Data Admin Group Meeting - Wednesday 10th January 2018 | Community Hub


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